Pengaruh Service Scape dan Brand Image Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen di SK Coffee Lab Kota Kediri


  • Djunaidi Djunaidi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri
  • Heri Subagyo Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri



Servicescape, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction


This study aims to determine the effect of servicescape and brand image on Consumer Satisfaction in SK Coffee Lab. Kediri City. The reason for this research is because there are more and more coffee shops offering product variants, both local and outside coffee, bearing in mind that coffee is currently popular with all people, young and old. The population in this study is not known with certainty so that a sample of 100 respondents was taken with a simple random sampling method. In collecting data used questionnaires, literature and field studies. The analytical methods used in data processing include the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, hypothesis testing and the coefficient of determination. From the results of testing all hypotheses are accepted. The coefficient of determination is quite high and the value of the influence of a brand image that is higher than servicescape on consumer satisfaction proves that the better the brand image of the place, the higher the customer satisfaction.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh servicescape dan brand image terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen di SK Coffee Lab. Kota Kediri. Alasan penelitian ini dilakukan karena semakin banyak dan marak tempat kopi yang menawarkan varian produk baik kopi lokal maupun luar daerah mengingat saat ini kopi digemari oleh seluruh kalangan baik tua maupun muda. Populasi dalam penelitian ini tidak diketahui secara pasti sehingga diambil sampel sebanyak 100 responden dengan metode simple random sampling. Dalam mengumpulkan data digunakan kuesioner, studi pustaka dan lapangan. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam pengolahan data meliputi validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner, uji hipotesis serta koefisien determinasi. Dari hasil pengujian seluruh hipotesis diterima. Nilai koefisien determinasi yang cukup tinggi serta nilai pengaruh brand image yang lebih tinggi daripada servicescape terhadap kepuasan konsumen membuktikan bahwa semakin baik brand image tempat tersebut, semakin tinggi pula kepuasan konsumen.  


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How to Cite

Djunaidi, D., & Subagyo, H. (2020). Pengaruh Service Scape dan Brand Image Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen di SK Coffee Lab Kota Kediri. Ekonika : Jurnal Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri, 5(1), 1–18.


