
  • Mohammad Natsir Magister Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Kadiri




Dolly Localization closure by city officials to be one of the shocking news, because this localization is the localization of the largest in Southeast Asia. This study discusses the socioeconomic impact that caused by localization Dolly.  The method used for this study is the method to produce qualitative descriptive writing.  Source obtained through interviewers.  Research findings show that the socio-economic impact caused by the closure of the localization is perceived by businessmen who derive their life in the area of localization.  Business operators complained income levels started stated to decline, it is recognized by food and beverage stores, night guards, parking attendants, washerwoman to motorcycle taxi drives. Additionally described some of the public response over the closure.  Some who agree considered that the closing of this localization can build a better work ethic within the community, minimizing the demoralization in adolescent and children.  While less accepts believes that the closure of the localization of just creating illegal prostitution and could be worse than before.  The socioeconomic impact caused by the closure of the localization Dolly that closing localization gives a very mixed experience within the community. Localization of Dolly's closure contributing to changes in Putat Jaya village, both in social and economic terms. Community Putat Jaya discover new things after the closing of the localization of Dolly the form of peace and tranquility, little by little they have left old habits to lead a new life of prostitution that is region-free, healthy and clean.  From the results of these studies by the theory of social and economic change, changes that happen to be in with a social action, where people Putat Jaya must be changed and who made the difference is individual and collective.



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How to Cite

Natsir, M. (2019). DAMPAK PENUTUPAN LOKALISASI TERHADAP MASYARAKAT SEKITAR KELURAHAN PUTAT JAYA KECAMATAN SAWAHAN KOTA SURABAYA (STUDI KASUS : LOKALISASI DOLLY SURABAYA). Jurnal Mediasosian : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Administrasi Negara, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.30737/mediasosian.v2i1.192


