Manuscript Withdrawal Polilcy
AGRINIKA Journal understands that authors may occasionally need to withdraw their submitted manuscripts for various reasons. The journal has a manuscript withdrawal policy in place to guide authors through the withdrawal process. Here is an overview of the manuscript withdrawal policy of AGRINIKA Journal:
- Author's Request for Withdrawal: If an author wishes to withdraw their submitted manuscript from consideration for publication in AGRINIKA Journal, they must submit a formal request for withdrawal to the journal's editorial office []. The request should be sent by the corresponding author or the authorized representative of the authoring team.
- Reasons for Withdrawal: The author's request for withdrawal should include a clear explanation of the reasons for the withdrawal. Common reasons for withdrawal may include a) Discovery of significant errors or inaccuracies in the manuscript that would require substantial revisions or correction. b) Decision to submit the manuscript to another journal for publication. c) Unforeseen circumstances that prevent the authors from continuing the publication process. d) Ethical concerns or conflicts of interest that require withdrawal.
- Timely Withdrawal Requests: Authors are encouraged to submit their withdrawal requests as early as possible in the publication process to minimize any inconvenience or potential impact on the journal's workflow. Once the manuscript has entered advanced stages of review or production, the withdrawal process may become more complex. In this case, the author may need to pay article processing charge because it may interrupt the journal’s workflow and publication process of the upcoming issue.
- Decision and Confirmation: The editorial office of AGRINIKA Journal carefully reviews the withdrawal request and considers its validity and impact. If the withdrawal request is deemed appropriate and valid, the manuscript will be officially withdrawn from consideration for publication. The corresponding author will receive a confirmation of the withdrawal.
- Publication Ethics Considerations: In cases where ethical concerns or suspected misconduct are raised in relation to the manuscript, the journal may undertake further investigation or actions as necessary. This can include notifying relevant authorities or institutions and initiating appropriate follow-up procedures in accordance with publication ethics guidelines. See Publication Ethics
- Resubmission Policy: If authors wish to resubmit a previously withdrawn manuscript to AGRINIKA Journal or another journal, they are advised to carefully address any concerns or issues that led to the withdrawal. This may involve revising the manuscript, conducting additional experiments, or seeking expert advice to ensure the integrity and quality of the research.
AGRINIKA Journal respects the author's decision to withdraw their manuscript and acknowledges the importance of maintaining open and transparent communication throughout the process. The journal strives to handle withdrawal requests promptly while upholding ethical standards and ensuring the integrity of the publication process.