Simulation of High Wave Inundation at Payangan Beach Using Delft3D for Coastal Mitigation




Delft3D, Flood, Hindcasting, Inundation Simulation


The south coast of Indonesia has a high risk of high waves. The community around Payangan Beach was one of those affected by the high waves, which caused damage to various buildings and inundation. One of the disaster mitigations to reduce the impact that occurs is to do inundation modeling. This study aims to model inundation due to high waves on Payangan Beach using Delft3D software. Wind, bathymetry, and tide data are used as model input data. The model was created using Delft3D-FLOW for tides while Delft3D-WAVE for waves. After the program is executed, the height and area of the inundation and significant wave height will be obtained. The modeling results will be validated with existing condition data using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The modeling results show that the inundation height is 1.96 meters, the significant wave height is 2.45 meters, and the inundated area is 300 meters from the coastline, with 100 houses potentially inundated with an area of 187.4 m2. The validation results show that the model is quite good, with an accuracy of 96.88%. From these results, the Government of Jember was able to make a mitigation map for the inundation area on Payangan Beach and build a Sea Wall. So that in the future, high-wave disasters can be minimized.


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How to Cite

Gloria, L. E., Wiyono, R. U. A., & Halik, G. (2023). Simulation of High Wave Inundation at Payangan Beach Using Delft3D for Coastal Mitigation. UKaRsT, 7(1), 60–74.


