Evaluating Differences in Foundation Depth Planning and Implementation for Building Structure Safety
Bearing Capacity, Cone Penetration Test, CPT Distance, Negative Skin Friction, PileAbstract
Kediri has been named the Most Sustainable City. To support this, Kadiri University also contributed by building lecture buildings. In its implementation, there is a difference in the depth of the foundation from the initial plan. This causes the need for evaluation to ensure the safety of the building structure. This research aims to identify (Cone Penetration Test) CPT distances, depth differences, negative skin friction, settlement, and empirical bearing capacity calculations on the safety of building structures on sandy soil. The direct observation method was used to obtain data. The analysis includes a comparison of depth, negative skin friction values, settlement, and bearing capacity. The research results show that the average CPT distance is 18.22 m, which can result in inaccurate CPT data because differences in soil structure can occur. A depth difference of 22% from the plan can be considered safe for the structure. This is validated by a field settlement of 2 mm lower than the maximum settlement limit and a Negative skin friction value of 0, indicating no additional settlement. These parameters indicate that the structure is safe. The modified Meyerhoff and Trofimankove methods are suitable for planning foundations with sandy soil because they can meet the load received. This research can add empirical evidence in evaluating structural safety for different depths of foundation planning and implementation in sandy soil-based projects, as well as reducing the potential risk of structural failure in the long term.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sheila Ananda Putri Pertiwi, Agata Iwan Candra, Rama Putra Nugraha, Tiara Sherlyta Sari, Wiwit Mely Yanti Jannah, M. Faisol Firmansyah, Mohammad Agus Fajar Wibowo

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