Informasi untuk Pustakawan

JINTAN is a scholarly publication that aims to contribute to the advancement of agricultural sciences and related disciplines. It is a valuable resource for librarians looking to provide their patrons with access to high-quality research in the field of agriculture.

Key Features of JINTAN:

  • Scope:  JINTAN covers a wide range of topics within the field of agricultural sciences, including but not limited to agronomy, crop science, horticulture, plant breeding, soil science, plant protection, agricultural economics, and agricultural engineering. This comprehensive coverage ensures that librarians can offer their users a diverse collection of articles relevant to various sub-disciplines in agriculture.
  • Rigorous Peer-Review Process: All manuscripts submitted to JINTAN undergo a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring that only high-quality and scientifically sound research articles are published. Librarians can trust the reliability and credibility of the content available in the journal, making it a reliable resource for academic and research purposes.
  • Open Access:  JINTAN follows an open-access publishing model, which means that all articles are freely available to readers worldwide without any subscription or paywall restrictions. This accessibility allows librarians to provide their users with immediate and unrestricted access to the latest agricultural research, promoting knowledge dissemination and supporting research collaboration.
  • International Collaboration:  JINTAN attracts submissions from researchers and scholars from around the globe, fostering international collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Librarians can rely on the journal to provide a global perspective on agricultural research, helping users stay updated with advancements and trends in different regions.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Agriculture is a multidisciplinary field that intersects with various disciplines such as biology, environmental sciences, economics, and technology. JINTAN encourages interdisciplinary research and welcomes contributions that integrate multiple perspectives. This multidisciplinary approach makes the journal a valuable resource for librarians catering to diverse user interests and research needs.
  • Supplementary Materials:  JINTAN allows authors to provide supplementary materials such as datasets, multimedia files, and supplementary figures or tables alongside their articles. These additional materials enhance the research experience and provide librarians with a comprehensive collection of resources for their users.

Librarians can access JINTAN through its website or by subscribing to its RSS feed to stay updated with the latest publications. The journal's commitment to publishing high-quality, open-access agricultural research makes it an essential addition to any library's collection, serving the needs of researchers, students, and faculty in the field of agriculture.

We urge research librarians to list this journal among the electronic journal holdings of their libraries. It may also be worth noting that the open-source publication structure of this journal is ideal for libraries to host their faculty members for use with journals they are engaged in editing.