About the Journal
JURMATIS : Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Teknik Industri as a national peer-referee open access journal (CC-BY-SA) which has been established for the dissemination of the latest knowledge in the field of Technology Management and Industrial Engineering. Since 2019, JURMATIS has been published twice a year (January and August), Type of peer-review : Peer Review Process.All articles submitted must present relevant ideas according to Focus and Scope and highlight various problems in the field as well as various relevant methods to study.
To publish in this journal, first register please, download the manuscript template, copy right transfer form, substancial article and understand the paper structure so that we have a great chance of accepting the manuscript. In the process of compiling a manuscript, please cite at least 2 articles in the archives of this journal that are relevant to the author's topic. Not only that, please add references maximum 10 years ago. It is recommended that at least 30% of the entire bibliography is from Scopus Indexed and has scientific influence (SJR) in Science Direct journal articles. Indexed : Dimension, Crossref, Index Copercinus, Base. SINTA 5 (No. 200/M/KPT/2020).
- Focus and Scope
- Journal History
- Open Access Policy
- Collaborators
- Publication Frequency
- Screening for Plagiarism
- Author Fees
- Other Fees
- Currently Archived
- Archiving
Focus and Scope
Jurmatis mainly focuses on publishing scientific articles from research in filed Industrial Engineering and Technology Management. Then, detailed scopes of articles involving:
Quality and Reliability Engineering (QRE) mencangkup alat dan teknik untuk merekayasa produk dalam industri barang dan industri jasa. QRE untuk mencegah kesalahan atau kecacatan produk. Sedangkan dalam proses industri jasa untuk menghindari masalah dalam memberikan solusi layanan terbaik kepada pelanggan. |
Control charts and process capability |
Lot acceptance sampling |
Design of experiment |
Response surface methodology |
Lean six sigma |
Preventive maintenance and failure replacement |
Facilities Engineering and Energy (FEC) untuk Facilitis Engineering tentang sumber daya untuk mendukung produksi dan distribusi barang dan layanan yang optimal. Sedangkan Energy terkait daya/ sumber tenaga diperlukan untuk aktivitas produksi, seperti tenaga yang terbarukan, maupun inovasi limbah untuk energi dalam produksi |
Space requirement (workstation, storage, departements and offices)
Facilities layout |
Model for material handling system design |
Storage equipment and systems |
Design for racks, block stacking and warehouese layout |
Operation Engineering berkaitan dengan rekayasa produksi yang erat dengan model matematis untuk mencapai mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang terbatas dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna |
Operation planning (life cycles, forecasting, and aggregate planning) |
Planning and control for manufacturing systems |
Supply chain management |
Linear programming, transportation, assignment, integer programming, nonlinear programming, metaheuristics, simulations, queuing systems, and system dynamics |
Journal History
Jurmatis is a scientific research journal in the field of Industrial Engineering published by Kadiri University.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Jurmatis is sponsored by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Kadiri, in cooperation with Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri (BKSTI).
Publication Frequency
This journal will be published two times a year: January and August. Every issue consist of 6 articles and therefor every volume has 12 articles/reviews.
Screening for Plagiarism
Jurmatis Editorial board recognizes that plagiarism is not acceptable and therefore establishes the following policy stating specific actions (penalties) upon identification of plagiarism/similarities in articles submitted for publication in Jurmatis. Jurmatis will use Turnitin software as the tool in detecting similarities of texts in article manuscripts and the final version articles ready for publication. A maximum of 20% of similarities is allowed for the submitted papers. Should we find more than 20% of the similarity index, the article will be returned to the author for correction and resubmission.
This journal utilizes the PKP-PN LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.