Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): NOVEMBER
Rationalization of Rainfall Station Network in Welang Watershed Using Kagan-Rodda Method
Abstract views: 511 ,
PDF downloads: 282 ,
Similarity downloads: 57
Tsunami Mitigation Strategy at Watu Ulo Beach Based on Numerical Modeling Using Delft3D-Flow
Abstract views: 459 ,
PDF downloads: 257 ,
Similarity downloads: 74 ,
Publication Right downloads: 0
Utilization of GPM Satellite and PERSIANN Satellite Data for Estimated Monthly Rainfall in South Sumatera
Abstract views: 315 ,
PDF downloads: 193 ,
Similarity downloads: 46 ,
Utilization of GPM Satellite and Persiann Satellite Data For Estimated Monthly Rainfall in South Sumatera downloads: 0
Correlation of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity with Porosity and Compressive Strength of Mortar with Limestone for Building Quality Assessment
Abstract views: 469 ,
PDF downloads: 234 ,
Similarity downloads: 43 ,
Investigation of Porosity, Compressive Strength, and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity on Mortar with Limestone Powder downloads: 0
Flood Modeling of Jatiroto River Using HEC-RAS to Determine Effective Flood Control Alternatives
Abstract views: 306 ,
PDF downloads: 213 ,
Similarity downloads: 38 ,
Kerangka Paper downloads: 0
Forecasting and Trend Analysis Bus Transportation During COVID-19 in Bali Land Using Time Series Method
Abstract views: 253 ,
PDF downloads: 139 ,
Similarity downloads: 40
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Maintenance Management at Bali Mandara Hospital
Abstract views: 334 ,
PDF downloads: 160 ,
Similarity downloads: 45
The Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Lagrangian Approaches to Predict the Effective Thickness and Homogeneity of the Sandwich Panel
Abstract views: 237 ,
PDF downloads: 143 ,
Similarity downloads: 46 ,
Untitled downloads: 0
Parametric Study of Large Settlement Due to Prefabricated Vertical Drain with Surcharge Preloading
Abstract views: 336 ,
PDF downloads: 159 ,
Similarity downloads: 43
Prediction of Soil Bearing Capacity in the Masterplan Area of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology based on GIS
Abstract views: 252 ,
PDF downloads: 193 ,
Similarity downloads: 45 ,
publication right downloads: 0 ,
kerangka paper downloads: 0