Accuracy of DSM By Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the Downstream of Welang Riverbank, District of Pasuruan, Jawa Timur




Accuracy, DSM, GCP, UAV.


The Digital Surface Model (DSM) is commonly used in studies on flood map modeling. The lack of accurate, high-resolution topography data has hindered flood modeling. The use of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can help data acquisition with sufficient accuracy. This research aims to provide high-resolution DSM-generated maps by Ground Control Points (GCPs) settings. Improvement of the model's accuracy was pursued by distributing 20 GCPs along the edges of the study area. Agrisoft software was used to generate the DSM. The generated DSM can be used for various planning purposes. The model's accuracy is measured in Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) based on the generated DSM. The RMSE values are 0.488 m for x-coordinates and y-coordinates (horizontal direction) and 0.161 m for z-coordinates (vertical direction).


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How to Cite

Khaulan, D. W., Hidayah, E., & Halik, G. (2021). Accuracy of DSM By Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the Downstream of Welang Riverbank, District of Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. UKaRsT, 5(1), 49–63.


